...you should let your children do this summer
JUNE 2021 - Covid-19 update
Please click here to read our Covid-19 H&S and safeguarding statement
Safeguarding Children
Aim: to set out the ways in which the 50DT Camp team keeps children safe from harm.
This document does not address the risks of the activities we undertake - please see our Benefit Risk Policy for that information. Instead, this policy details the commitment to building a ‘culture of safety’ in which the children in our care are protected from abuse, harm and radicalisation. Our child protection procedures comply with all relevant legislation and with guidance issued by Hampshire Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB).
Behaviour Management
Aim: to ensure all children are able to enjoy and make the most of the opportunities available at 50DT camp, free of fear of bullying and with a shared understanding of our collectively agreed Ground Rules.
Unacceptable behaviour is very rare at 50DT; our children show responsibility, resilience and care for one another. This policy details how we ensure we ensure these positive behaviours are nurtured and recognised and how we help children manage difficult situations and high emotions.
Health and Safety
Aim: to set out our approach to managing the site to ensure children are safe from unacceptable harm.
This policy recognises that 50DT Camp is a unique offering - our site is muddy, dirty, messy and often includes sharp, hot and risky objects. We - and our campers - embrace these, but the staff team also ensures that 50DT Camp meets the statutory requirements for health and safety at work.
Terms and Conditions
These have been updated specifically for Summer 2020, to take account of the way we need to organise the activities during the Covid-19 outbreak.